Does CBD Have An Expiration Date? How To Check Its Safe To Use

CBD products in their various forms have become a commonplace thing around the world, offering a variety of people numerous benefits from pain relief, freedom from anxiety and depression, and even recreational enjoyment in some regions around the world. 

Does CBD Have An Expiration Date How To Check Its Safe To Use

But does CBD have an expiration date, and if so, how can users check they are still safe to consume? 

Can CBD Go Bad? 

Like most organic products, CBD-infused substances – such as oils – can indeed go bad and expire. This generally happens when they are left open for extended periods of time, or if they are not properly stored against the elements. 

How To Tell CBD Has Expired? 

Luckily there are numerous ways to tell whether or not your CBD products have expired or not – and once you learn the signs you will never again need to be concerned. 

Unpleasant Smell

While certain products can already smell ‘organic’, this soon turns unpleasant when they have expired or gone bad. The best way to tell is to sniff the oil and see for yourself. 

If it has gone bad, then the smell should be earthy and rotten-smelling, and if this is the case then you should throw them out. 

Thick & Murky

There will also be changes to the consistency and the color. 

Most CBD oils are somewhat runny, but when they expire or go bad they will become gloopy and thick – with the color changing from a translucent brown to a murky, unpleasant color. 

Bad Taste

While CBD products might not be the greatest tasting thing in the world – at least not as far as the oils are concerned – they are still generally palatable. However, if they have gone bad, then the taste should be disgusting to the point where you will not be able to palate them. 

What Makes CBD Products Go Bad? 

As with most things, there are ways and means to look after CBD products to ensure you get the most longevity from them.

Bad Quality Products

First and foremost, it is important to invest in good quality CBD products if you want the best benefits and the longest life span. 

Quality products will generally have better growing conditions, seed quality, and will have been processed more efficiently. 

The Ingredients Used

Depending on the ingredients, this could also influence the longevity of the product. 

Each flavoring, addition, or component of the product has their own shelf life, and if these expire quickly, then they could taint the overall quality of the product and cause it to go bad quicker. 

The Extraction process

It can also depend on the type of extraction process that was used. This is an important part of the production process of CBD products, and can have a distinct impact on the final product. 

The gold standard of CBD extraction tends to be the carbon dioxide method, as this gives the best results. If this has not been used, then it could affect the finished product – giving it a shorter shelf life. 

Types Of Packaging

Types Of Packaging

If sufficient packaging has not been used, then the lifespan of your CBD products will not be anywhere as long as it could be. 

Most CBD oils come in amber, plastic bottles, and this is no coincidence. CBD products last longer in dark containers, as these ensure that sunlight and other elemental factors don’t taint the oil. 

Storage Methods Used

The methods of storage will also play a significant role in the lifespan of CBD products – and this refers to both professional, industrial storage during production, as well as personal storage after purchase. 

Heat and light have been shown to increase degradation of CBD products, which is why it is important for them to be kept relatively cool and away from direct sunlight as much as possible. 

Will Expired Products Cause Illness? 

Luckily, expired CBD products won’t actually make you sick. The bad news is that they also won’t do much of anything at all – making them not only useless, but also a waste of money. 

This means that, if you are using the products for medicinal or therapeutic purposes, then you will not get the desired benefits. 

How To Store CBD Products? 

The best way to ensure a long lifespan is to store them properly after purchase. 

Original Packaging

Always keep CBD products in their original packaging, as this is the best way to avoid contact with the air – something that can cause them to go bad prematurely. 

Storage Temperature

When storing CBD products, you need to make sure you keep them at the appropriate temperatures. This means 60 to 70 fahrenheit (16-21 celsius). 

Avoid Light

They also need to be kept away from light. This means storing them in a cupboard, cabinet, or drawer to ensure maximum longevity. 

Maintain Temperatures

You also need to keep them away from sources of hot and cold air – such as heaters and open windows. Maintaining their desired temperature is the best way to keep them in good working order, and will make them last longer. 

Clean Utensils

If you are using your own utensils to consume the CBD oil, then make sure they are clean before each use and not kept inside of the oil bottle. 

This means that no bacteria can make its way into the bottle, which will ensure that it lasts as long as possible. 

Final Thoughts

And there we have it, everything you need to know about CBD products, expiration dates, and the best ways to check they are still safe to use!

It’s true that CBD products have changed the way people approach wellness, and offer individuals new options to aid their mental and physical wellbeing. 

However, the best way to ensure this remains the case is to purchase registered, proper products from licensed vendors, and to ensure they are still safe for consumption.

Dave Durrel
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