What Are Moon Rocks CBD?

Known as one of the most potent CBD products on the market, moon rocks are a force to be reckoned with. 

Not for the faint-hearted, this product is aimed for regular smokers, especially those who want to experience serious effects quickly. 

What Are Moon Rocks CBD?

This article is going to discuss all you need to know about CBD moon rocks. 

What Are CBD Moon Rocks? 

CBD moon rocks are hemp (see also: HempFusion Review)flowers that have been soaked in CBD oil and then dipped in terpene-rich kief, which also comes from the hemp plant.

This makes them incredibly potent, and can offer an intense, and instant hit the minute it is consumed, as they contain a large amount of CBD. 

How Potent Are They? 

CBD moon rocks are very potent, but this will also depend on the potency of the hemp flower that is used initially. 

Hemp often contains around 14 to 22% of CBD, so the higher amount of CBD in the hemp flower, the more potent the entire moon rock is going to be. 

Then, this potent hemp flower is soaked in CBD oil. These oils have a potency of anything from 35 to 99%, which depends on how the oil was extracted. Again, if the oil has a high potency as well, then the entire moon rock will also have a high potency. 

Lastly, the entire composition is covered with a terpene-rich kief. Kief is a mixture of trichome resin that is found on the hemp plant. This resin has some strong flavors and is also very potent. 

The completed moon rock will contain around 50% CBD. 

What Effects Do CBD Moon Rocks Give You? 

Given the high amount of CBD in them, you can expect CBD moon rocks to give you a serious hit of it. 

However, as they are purely made of CBD, they will not give you any psychoactive effects, so you will not feel ‘high’ from them. Instead, they’ll give you an instant feeling of wholesome relaxation and calm. 

Moon rocks can be used to treat symptoms of anxiety and depression, chronic pain, insomnia, seizures, and many more! 

How Do You Consume Them? 

The best way to consume moon rocks is by inhalation. It is best to use a glass pipe or a bong due to its consistency. 

However, they can also be crumbled into small pieces and rolled into a joint along with some tobacco. It is important to note that you should not use a grinder to crumble your moon rock as it does have a relatively sticky texture. 

Instead, you can crumble it using your fingers, a knife, or scissors. 

What Are The Benefits Of Smoking Moon Rocks? 

Smoking moon rocks is great as you get a great value for money. They pack a powerful taste, and you’ll feel the effects almost instantly due to their potency. 

There are many known benefits of CBD products, such as pain relief, and aid for depression and anxiety symptoms. You’ll be able to reap all of those benefits with moon rocks too, and they’ll hit you instantly! 

What Are Moon Rocks CBD?

What Are The Drawbacks Of Smoking Moon Rocks? 

Unlike THC moon rocks, CBD moon rocks will not make you feel high, so there are very few disadvantages to smoking them. 

However, you will need to invest in a pipe or a bong, and they can be tricky to prepare for those who are beginners when it comes to smoking. 

What About THC Moon Rocks? 

When it comes to THC moon rocks, just take everything you’ve learned about CBD moon rocks, and apply it to these. Yes, that means these rocks will give you a super-duper high. 

How Strong Are They? 

While their strength will vary from batch to batch they will normally contain around 50% THC. In order to put that number into perspective, normal strains contain around 17 to 28% THC, making moon rocks a lot more potent. 

What Effects Will A THC Moon Rock Give You? 

Given that THC moon rocks have a hefty dose of THC, you can expect to feel a much more pronounced high than you would when it comes to smoking regular joints (see also: How Much Of A CBD Joint Should I Smoke?). 

The severity of the high you will experience will depend on your tolerance, and the strain you have used. If you are not used to smoking cannabis with high amounts of THC, you will feel the effects more intensely. 

Some of the common effects of smoking mood rocks include an increased heart rate, dry mouth, paranoia, anxiety, coughing, headaches, sleepiness, and many more. 

Due to their intense THC content, it is best to consume them slowly, and only if you’re an experienced smoker. If you aren’t used to smoking cannabis, then you should avoid moon rocks altogether. 

Safety Tips  

If you’re an experienced smoker who is itching to try THC moon rocks, then it’s important to consider a few things before lighting one up. 

These potent buds are bound to mess with your ability to get things done, so it is important to clear your schedule for a few hours (or days!) in order to enjoy them. 


Staying hydrated is of the utmost importance when trying moon rocks. Your mouth is bound to become dry and itchy, and you’ll be gasping for water before you know it. 


Eating before you smoke your moon rocks will not only suppress our munchies, it will also prevent nausea, and will reduce the intense effects of the THC.

Make Sure You Feel Comfortable

Make sure you’ve chosen to smoke your moon rocks in a place where you feel comfortable. If you’re doing it with others, make sure you’re comfortable around them too. 

Final Thoughts 

In summary, moon rocks are incredibly potent weed nuggets that have been soaked in CBD oil and then covered in Keif. 

They will make you feel the effects almost instantly, but it is important to note that they are not for inexperienced smokers. 

While CBD moon rocks will not make you feel high, THC moon rocks should be approached with caution, as they will give you an incredibly intense high.

Dave Durrel
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